Labor Day 2019

Labor Day 2019

Annually on the first Monday of September, Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers.  It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. But for…

 Smoking has always been bad for you!

Smoking has always been bad for you!

Tobacco has been growing wild for thousands of years. Some 1000-2000 years ago, users started chewing and smoking it during religious ceremonies.  Fast forward to the 1700’s and we find that smoking is now widespread with a tobacco industry in place. …

 50 What’s Next?

50 What’s Next?

Passages in life are as predictable as the sun rising and setting.  Your twenties are dedicated to starting a career and being an adult.  In your thirties, you build that career and start a family.  In your forties, you make…