Take the worry out of your personal insurance needs

Peace of Mind

CSIA has been protecting customers for over 45 years

Simple. Smart. Insurance

Customers told us the things they disliked about Insurance and we listened

Tailored Coverage

We guarantee at your next renewal, you'll get the same or an even better price.

Auto Auto Insurance

Take the worry out of your auto Insurance needs

Homeowners Insurance

Take the worry out of your Homeowners needs.

Mobile Home Insurance

Take the worry out of your Mobile Home Insurance needs

Renters Insurance

Take the worry out of your Renters Insurance needs

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          945+ Reviews

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          Maria Marlin Retired Govt Officer, ON, Canada

          Very helpful fully explaining the different plans. Cash value is accessed via policy loans, which accrue interest and reduce cash value our valuable items.

          Steve Marks Irvine california

          I am absolutely in love with CSIA they are quick, easy, and completely affordable.

          Shelly Morre San Jose California

          I saved around $90 per month going to CSIA I also had a claim and they got back to me within hours. Great customer service!!

          Jill Magwood Temecula california

          I've been using CSIA for over 12 years. Amazing coverage and so easy to switch to a new vehicle.

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