Privacy Policy Statement

Thank you for choosing California Southwestern Insurance Agency. We value you, respect your privacy and work hard to protect your personal information. This policy statement is provided on behalf of CSIA and our affiliates. We would like to explain how we collect, use and share the information we obtain about you in the course of doing business while on our site-

Personal injury protection

  • We do not sell your personal or medical information to anyone.
  • We do not share your information with non-affiliate companies that would use it to contact you about their own products and services.
  • We require persons or organizations that represent or assist us in servicing your policy and claims to keep your information confidential.
  • We require employees to protect your personal information and keep it confidential.
  • Access to your Social Security Number is Limited to those individuals who need access for business purposes including compliance with the law, providing you with products and services, and handling your claims.
  • Our privacy practices continue to apply to your information even if you cease to be a CSIA customer.

What Personal Information Do We Have and Where Do We Get It

We gather personal information from you and from outside sources for business purposes. Some examples of the information we collect from you may include your name, phone number, home and e-mail addresses, driver’s license number, Social Security Number, marital status, family member information and healthcare information. Also, we maintain records that include but are not limited to policy coverages, premiums, and payment history. We also collect information from outside sources that may include but are not limited to your driving record, claims history, medical information and credit information.

How We Use and Share Your Personal Information

  • In the course of normal business activities, we use and share your personal information with persons or organizations within and outside of CSIA, for business purposes as permitted. For example, we may do this to:
    Fulfill a transaction you requested or service your policy
  • Market our products to you
  • Handle your claim
  • Prevent fraud
  • Comply with requests from regulatory and law enforcement authorities
  • Participate in insurance support organizations

     The persons or organizations with whom we may share your personal information may include, among others:

  • Your agent, broker or affiliated companies
  • Companies that perform services, such as marketing, credit/debit card processing, and communication services on our behalf
  • Other insurance companies that play a role in an insurance transaction with you
  • Independent claims adjusters
  • A business or businesses that conduct actuarial or research studies
  • Those who request information pursuant to a subpoena or court order
  • Repair shops and recommended claims vendors

The Internet and Your Information Security

Also known as “ Med Pay”, this coverage helps pay for medical costs for you and your passengers in the event of a covered auto accident.

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          What happens if...

          Simple. Smart. Insurance protecting what matters

          Yes, your homeowners insurance covers a large number of perils. However, you should always consult with your agent on Insurance limits and coverage.

          If the unexpected happens, losing your home contents could be distressing as well as financially devastating. Your Farmers homeowners, Townhouse, Condo and Renters policies cover the loss of your personal belongings, subject to the policy limits and conditions.

          Your home is probably the single largest investment you'll ever make. By insuring your home, you are helping to protect your investment.

          A deductible is the amount you’re responsible for in the event of a covered loss.

          For home policies, there are three common types of deductibles: A flat deductible, A percent deductible and A split deductible.

          You can let your CSIA agent know, but to get the claims process rolling fast, you can report a claim online period.

          Our insurance parteners