Child Safety and Protection Month

Child Safety and Protection Month

November has been deemed Child Safety and Protection Month. 

Clearly, this is a topic that should be heeded daily and not just one month a year.  While you may not have control over every situation your child encounters, safety measures can help reduce the number of unintentional injuries and death.

The monthly designation gives us an opportunity to remind ourselves of safety tips at home and about.

At Home:

**use safety gates to protect curious children from harm, particularly at the top and bottom of stairs

**remove loose bedding, toys and other soft products from baby’s sleep area

**be mindful of plants by keeping them out of reach or choosing non-toxic decorative ones

**keep things tidy inside and out to prevent anyone from tripping

**install door knob covers to keep little hands from opening doors

**consider painting electrical outlet covers to blend into walls or install safety inserts

**put locks on anything and everything that can be opened

**be vigilant of choking hazards lying around; items like coins, marbles, keys, paper clips, crayons, etc. can all be ingested and cause serious harm

**use anchor braces to secure large furniture to the wall 

**set hot water heater no higher than 120 degrees F.

In The Car:

**always use a car seat that is correct for your child’s size

**make sure older kids always wear seat belts

**learn how to properly install your car seat for maximum safety

**be aware of car seat recalls and get it fixed immediately when one happens

**don’t let children sit in the front seat until they are at least 13 years old

At The Playground:

**watch that your child uses the equipment correctly

**make sure the equipment is age appropriate 

**younger children should have a separate play area from older kids

**look for hazards like rust and broken equipment

**look for playgrounds with softer impact-absorbing materials rather than concrete and dirt

General Product Safety:

**be aware of recalls and remove or replace the product immediately

**make sure children only have access to age appropriate toys and objects

**keep choking hazards from children; items like toys with small parts or pieces could cause grave injury

**have emergency phone number readily available

Drowning Prevention and Poison Control:

**never leave children unattended anywhere

**always have an adult water watcher supervising around the pool area

**learn CPR

**learn how to swim yourself and make sure your children learn as well

**teach children never to swim without an adult present

**put a fence barrier around your pool with adequate child proof locks and openings

**follow labels and doctor instructions on all medicine

**store medications and cleaning supplies out of children’s sight and reach

**use safety locks on cabinets

**have poison control and other important phone numbers readily available.

Regardless of what day or where you are, child safety must be a priority.  Always thinking in terms of what could be harmful or dangerous to your little one will help you determine how best to keep them safe.  And when they are safe, your time together can focus on those special moments watching your child grow.


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